Saturday, January 24, 2009

ocean beach

my darling sister visited me this past week. she's had better winters, and was ready for an escape from the drama and from the cold. California put on quite a show, with 70 degree days and a swell of waves that lured surfers from all over the world.

i was thinking of when baby sea turtles hatch on the beach, and they have to make that dangerous trek to the refuge of the ocean. christine and i are perpetually determined to get to the waves, as if our our lives depended on it, too. 

so, though the Pacific was so cold our eyeballs ached, there's just something irresistable about finally making it to the sea... something Home about sticking our small feet in the massive ocean that helps us to push life's Reset button. 

she's the best little sea turtle, and i want to spend my whole life headed to the beach, side-by-side with my sisters.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

new year, new you

I just celebrated my six-month anniversary at my first job, officially marking the longest relationship I've been in. Unless you count my really long Mind Marriage in the sixth grade. Mind Marriage, because my Mind Husband didn't know about our imaginary Marriage. He also probably didn't know about our imaginary ponies that he gave me on our imaginary 5 year wedding anniversary. (I was in 6th grade, gimme a break!) 
The basis for me loving this boy was that we looked practically idential. So much so that our Social Studies teacher, Mr. Higgins, sat us in the same row because he said we were twins, separated at birth. We had matching dirty looking tans and identical, straggly, Hanson hair, but most importantly: matching thick, black eyebrows. Scary ones you could braid. My heart just races even thinking about it. I guess that's when I realized I was a vain, vain woman- in love with a boy who was really just me, with the addition of an Adam's apple.
Anyway, in my six months as a working woman, I've been utterly drained, and sometimes inspired. I am freakin' grateful to start 2009 with  a job. Even more amazingly, I really like this job! Gasp! This general peace at work has snuck up on me, considering the swamp of stress I waded through for the first months of the job. 
But now, six months in, the honeymoon phase is over, but I'm actually still in love. And, well, that's way more than I can say about my ill-fated pretend marriage to the scrawny boy with the unibrow.